Commercial Use License
The following license is for PSDCovers products only. Any resource downloaded from our site is free to use for both your personal and commercial projects.
Rights for Free & Premium Mockups, JSX Scripts, PSD templates
You are granted non-exclusive use of our resources for any personal and commercial project you wish to work on for your clients or for yourself. You are permitted to modify the resources generated from the use of the PSDCovers panel and include them in printed materials, websites, applications, tv, advertisements and others.
- You are not required to link back to our site.
- You are not required to provide attribution.
PSDCovers maintains rights over the PSDCovers panel, all JSX Scripts, Actions and PSD templates on this site.
You are not granted the rights to host, resell, redistribute (even for free) or sub-license the files you download from us on a separate server. If you want to promote our content simply link back to our pages. Failing to follow these rules will lead a copyright claim to be filed against violators.
- You may not edit, decompile, repurpose, extend or sell the Actions, JSX Scripts, PSD’s or PSDCovers panel on this site.
- You may not sell any PSD file generated with our Actions, JSX Scripts or PSDCovers panel with the intent of offering a competing service.
- Any format which preserves all the layers such as TIFF’s are to be treated as PSD in regards to usage
Violation Examples
- You may not render a solid colour onto a mockup and submit it as stock content on Shutterstock or other stock photo site (more details below). By extension you may not remove the label and submit a rendered result with no branding to a stock site.
- You may not add a smartlayer to any PSD generated with our service and sell or host it on another site.
- You may not claim our content as your own.
- You may not modify our Actions, JSX Scripts or PSDCovers panel and claim the result as your own.
The Shutterstock example above is our own sample page and serves as 1 example of how we generate money elsewhere. We maintain all commercial rights to our photographs, Actions, JSX Scripts, PSDCovers panel and the PSD files which are direct results of running the Action.