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Summary “The panel seems to never load the thumbnail previews and displays an ERROR! notification if I try rendering STEP 1 or STEP 2.” When the panel displays a list of mockups with their titles and descriptions but fails to load the thumbnail previews then the issue is a missing cache folder.  There was a permissions […]


Summary “Whenever I try rendering a mockup the panel displays an ERROR! message” Solution The PSDCovers panel stores assets locally on your computer, this in turn allows the panel to run faster (and without an internet connection) than downloading assets every-time a mockup has to be rendered. While this generally works error-free the cache files […]


Summary “I would like to pay for membership without using PayPal.” PayPal is currently one of our payment processors, however, you can still make a payment directly with your credit card. Solution PayPal only allows direct credit card payments on non-recurring products, therefore this solution currently works with our $24 1yr plan. Go to the […]


Summary I see PSDCovers watermarking elements rendered over my final mockup. Why am I seeing this? The reason you are seeing PSDCovers elements over your own artwork is due to incorrect content placement in the Layers panel. Please note that PSDCovers does not watermark mockup renders for Free or Premium users. Solution When placing your […]


Summary Using Extension Manager CC to install PSDCovers generates modal error stating “This extension can not be installed, it requires Photoshop version 14.0 or greater.” Why am I seeing this error? Extension Manager CC was deprecated after CC 2014 — you cannot use Extension Manager CC to install Photoshop plugins for any version after CC […]


If you downloaded a mockup from this site and expected to find a PSD file after unzipping the archive please note there is no PSD file. The only file in the download is an Action file (ends with .atn).  An Action file is a script that can be executed from within Photoshop which generates special […]


A question that is often submitted to me is whether or not the PSDCovers Actions will run properly on Photoshop Elements.  They won’t. The Actions on PSDCovers.com are supported on the following platforms:


Summary Photoshop error modals appear during the final rendering of my mockup (STEP 2). Why am I seeing this? When you run STEP 2 it starts off a chain of processes that require a known set of layers to exist — i.e., the script needs to make selections on certain layers or perform transformations on […]


If after running STEP 2 your canvas is solid white but you notice that the Layers panel clearly contains all your designs and elements generated by the Action then the culprit might be your version of Photoshop. Of all the errors submitted to me over the last 4+ year this is the least common due […]


If you just found this site and went through the trouble of installing some, or all, of the Actions only to discover they throw up an error complaining about a missing “Background” layer then I truly appologize. It never occured to me that recording Photoshop Actions would actually record the default Layer names in the English […]


Summary Whenever my final render is complete there appears to be missing artwork or artwork is missing entirely. Why am I seeing this? This error occurs whenever Photoshop attempts to crop your document but there are Smart Objects in your design. Here is an illustration of the problem: Although the design is perfectly placed and looks […]


If you upgraded Photoshop to CC 2014.1.0 then the Actions from this site, as well as other sites which make cover actions, are now broken. The error, at least initially, looks to be like an incompatibility with the way the transformation tool works.  My initial reaction (as well as my replies to users in the comment threads […]


Over the last 2 years it has been a pleasure of mine to offer the design community free PSD Mockup templates for testing product designs. In general, the site, and the Actions both seem to be appreciated so I’ll keep plugging away at creating more Actions as time goes on. However, in those 2 years […]