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Having cut my teeth on Photoshop v1.0, I have long been a user of Photoshop. However, it wasn’t until CS4 that I started creating Actions. In fact, I knew very little about Actions as they never came up as a viable solution to any workflow I’ve had to accomplish in my many years with this […]


Creating mockups can be a very time consuming process that separates you from concentrating exclusively on your designs. At PSDCovers we offer mock-up templates in the form of Photoshop Actions that can render your designs as glossy faux-3D renderings for showcasing your work in marketing presentations, school projects, portfolios and even print mediums.


Here is another great PSD Mockup for a popular Samsung Android Smartphone released in 2012, the Samsung Galaxy S III. This PSD Mockup Android template was created by Eryk Pastwa and has a light and dark version of the same Samsung Galaxy S II model. The resolution of the Android screen is 720×1280 and was […]


The Nokia Lumina is a very nice Windows 8 Smartphone. This PSD Mockup from Dorin Vancea was first released in Dec 2012 and can be freely downloaded from their site Modern UI Design.


I get a lot of requests for Android smartphone Actions, unfortunately the models from Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola and others vary greatly and change too often to be relevant for any period of time. As much as possible the goal for PSDCovers is to create PSD mockups that are as generic in nature as possible […]


Back in 2011 I registered psdcovers.com to begin a new hobby, a hobby which I would use to learn more about servers, content creation, CDNs, cache, SEO, social networking etc. But it’s more than a hobby, it’s a type of PSD portfolio which I use to showcase a single talent — product photography converted into […]


Our iPhone 5 Cover Actions are a faithful recreation of Apple’s newest Retina display iPhone. These Action will render your 2D artwork, UI/UX workflow designs or wireframes onto a hi-resolution 300DPI glossy 3D product shot that you can freely place into your website, office presentation or marketing campaign.


I’m sounding like a dead horse at this point, but I discovered quite recently that Wikipedia is an incredible treasure trove of vector graphics. In the last few posts I’ve made a point of that fact by listing off where to find MLB, NFL and NHL team logos, now this post is about the NBA.


Wikipedia.org has a huge collection of sports team logos in vector format. There are many sites which offer these exact same vector logos for a price, however I’m not certain they are legit so if you need to use a vectorized logo of any sports team or brand then maybe you can save a few […]


Looking for a logo for your favourite hockey team? I suggest having a look at Wikipedia.org which provides an SVG (scalable vector graphic) for just about any brand, sport or organization in the world. The following is by no means a comprehensive list of all the current, or past NHL teams — it is presented […]


Wikipedia.org is a virtual treasure trove of vector graphics for just about any brand, organization or group. Take Major League Baseball for instance. The following is by no means a comprehensive list of all the current, or past Major League teams — it is presented here as a guide to get you started with finding […]


The following image is the source photo used for creating the Soda Can Action found in the psd.tutsplus.com tutorial. All Actions on this site are based on product photography we do here internally to ensure they are free of any outside copyrights held by other photographers or corporations. DOWNLOAD can photoDOWNLOAD grid textureDOWNLOAD CAN006 Action […]


A collection of Dark GUI Interface Kits for desktop, mobile and web designs. These kits have been quite popular as freebies across multiple sources, this is a collection of the darker sets which I like to test with our iPhone and iPad Cover Actions. Some of these kits have basic GUI elements such as buttons, […]


Follow the links below to download your favourite team logos directly from Wikipedia.


Our new iPad 3 mockup has just been announced! Since the iPad3 is pretty much identical to the iPad2 except for the screen resolution (1024×768 versus 2048×1536). We increased the longevity of our iPad2 mockup by adding 2048×1536 templates to the existing JESUSPAD mockups. To start rendering your own iPad 3 mockup all you’ll need […]


Looking for Photoshop Mockup freebies? We have those. The following post is a summary of what this site offers to give new visitors to the site more compressed information on a single page. What we do is convert our blank generic product photography shots into Photoshop Mockups. Period. That’s our niche. If you need a […]


Textures are an important asset to any designer whether it’s physical or visual. Here at PSDCovers we tend to offer faux 3D rendered products that require a lot of up front 2D design and texture work prior to being rendered. Unfortunately creating 2D designs or textures can be a very exhaustive process when starting from […]